Wednesday (December 9)
Hour of Code
Here is the brief promo video from Dr. Tucker
Here is a link to the lesson for Hour of Code (this lesson does not require an altered schedule and will only occur in our regularly scheduled advisory)
Attitude of Gratitude
Please encourage your students to take the time to write attitude of gratitudes for their teachers, counselors, admin, club sponsors or any other employee that has made a difference in their lives.
Wednesday - Thursday (December 2, 3)
Wednesday (Exploring Life After High School)
- Spend 15 minutes individually exploring the following topics. You may want headphones since many of these are videos or you can watch the videos as a class or in small groups.
- As you read or watch the videos:
- what kinds of ah-ha moments occurred for you?
- what kinds of questions surfaced for you?
- did you learn anything you didn't already know?
- did you gain any new perspectives?
- The last 15 minutes of class have a class discussion about what you read and or watched. Talk about answers to the questions above.
- Have you read or seen anything lately related to life after graduation? If so share it with your advisory teacher so it can later be added to the list of topics below.
$70,974 for freshman year? Tips on how to cover college bills | |||
Random fun…
If you could live inside any TV show for one month, which TV show would you choose?
Thursday (Grade Checks & Senior Work Day)
- Grade Checks!
- conference with advisory teacher about your semester grades
- The senior class is starting a new tradition at graduation, the goal is to honor teachers that have impacted their class during their time at LPS. This year at graduation there will be teachers honored from each building that fed to Liberty High School. The teacher nominations are chose by the senior class! There is a google survey to be filled out by senior advisories to compose this list of teachers. If you want to see your favorite teacher honored, make sure to vote!This project is being organized by administration and a group of juniors in the Practical Leadership class. They survey should only take about 5 minutes and need to be completed prior to Christmas break.
- Senior Yearbook Survey CLICK HERE
- Senior items to work on while advisory teacher conferences with individual students:
- college applications
- letter of recommendation
- essay questions for college
- study for finals
- organize notes
- make a study plan
- what teachers do you need to see during Liberty Hour?
- how are you going to study?
- when are you going to study?
- what class(es) need the most attention/focus?
Wednesday, November 18
Read the message about LHS SPARC and have students sign pledge forms as the following 1st video/song plays on the projector and speakers.
SPARC: Student Prevention & Resistance Coalition. The LHS SPARC Club encourages all LHS students to sign an ELECTRONIC pledge not to drink during the school year. Students simply need to check their student email to sign the pledge.
Paris Attacks: Choose any or all of the following to share and discuss with students. It may be too much to discuss in one Advisory. So as long as you support the following learning objectives, you may go any direction you choose with your advisory.
The learning objectives are:
- to inform/discuss with students facts surrounding the Paris attack and other attacks that have received less attention,
- to help break stereotypes of Muslims and Muslim countries and
- to encourage LHS students to think of ways we can unite in solidarity.
A Look at Paris
- Show the following 10 m CNN Student News video that details the recent terrorists attacks in Paris, France. Does your advisory already know the details? You can skip this video if they choose and simply share aloud what they know.
A Look at Misunderstandings in Social Media
- Social Media & Misunderstanding: CLICK HERE to read with students about how social media caused confusions surrounding the event. (Teachers can simply talk with students about the information from the links below or allow time for students to access the links by sharing the advisory website with them)
- Did you know about the attack on the Kenya University in April 2015? #147notjustanumber
- Did you know about the suicide bombing in Beirut? CLICK HERE
A Look at Understanding Muslims #notinmyname
- Muslims speak out against terrorism. The following short video is to help break stereotypes about Muslims. It is very important to remember that we all go to school and work with students and colleagues of the Muslim faith. Terrorism has no religion.
A Look at Solidarity
- What is solidarity? Here is a look at how the world is uniting in solidarity.
- How might LHS unite in solidarity?
- Do you have ideas that can show our support or spread words of kindness to those suffering from the atrocities of war?
Attitude of Gratitude!
Third Wednesday the 11th, we will recognize the support staff (Cafeteria, janitors, librarians, nurses)
Fourth Wednesday the 18th, we will recognize all of the teachers
- How might LHS unite in solidarity?
- Do you have ideas that can show our support or spread words of kindness to those suffering from the atrocities of war?
Third Wednesday the 11th, we will recognize the support staff (Cafeteria, janitors, librarians, nurses)
Fourth Wednesday the 18th, we will recognize all of the teachers
Wednesday - November 11, 2015
Today's Lesson: Student Paths Program
- Introduce Students to Student Paths by accessing the Student Paths Tab at the top of the page
- Project the embedded presentation to help explain the Student Paths program
- Then have students follow the log in directions on the Student Paths tab. After successfully logging in, students will complete the Fall Survey!
Attitude of Gratitude!
Third Wednesday the 11th, we will recognize the support staff (Cafeteria, janitors, librarians, nurses)
Fourth Wednesday the 18th, we will recognize all of the teachers
Wednesday, November 4
Attitude of Gratitude: recognize the counseling department
TedEd Lesson: - Sherry Turkle - Connected, But Alone
Option A: Show the video Connected, But Alone found in the "TedEd Lesson" link below and then class discuss using your own questions
Option B: Show the video Connected, But Alone and use the TedEd Lesson questions that are provided in the "TedEd Lesson" link below
- Use the following TedEd lesson created for LHS Advisory.
- Project the lesson and follow the menu (image below shows you a screenshot of the lesson):
- "Watch" the video as a class with all laptops put away (19:48 minutes)
- Class discuss the "Think" questions (5 minutes)
- Allow students to "Dig Deeper" by assigning half the class to read Link A and the other half of the class to read Link B (5 minute read then 5 minute discuss "Are we connected, but alone?")
- Link A:
- Link B:
- Skip "Discussion" link embedded within the lesson and...
- Close with class discussion "And, Finally..."
Wednesday, October 28th
Class Halloween Fun (No Electronics) & Attitude of Gratitude
- Play Halloween Bingo (cards found in your mailboxes by end of the day Monday)
- Give student Bingo cards
- Students walk around the room to ask students if they did/do certain things during Halloween. If a student answers yes, then the student initials the box. If a student answers no, then leave the box blank.
- You can have students go for 5 in a row OR four corners OR make an X or blackout
- Feel free to award prizes such as Halloween candy
- After the game
- Circle up and ask the students the following questions
- What is your favorite or least favorite Halloween memory?
- What are your favorite and least favorite Halloween costumes?
- Why do you think cultural celebrations like Halloween are important or are not important?
A Note from the Leadership Class: Attitude of Gratitude
Hi, I am Allison Niemeier from the Leadership class. From October 28th through November 18th we will be promoting Attitude for Gratitude. This is a project where the students recognize different members of the staff each week. Each Wednesday we will be handing out papers to each advisory. Each paper will say "Thank You" at the top with a space to put the name of the staff member and who it is from. The note must be appropriate. Each note will be read through individually and thrown out if it is inappropriate. Turn these in to Rm 102!
On the first Wednesday the 28th, we will be writing the notes to the Administration
Second Wednesday the 4th, we will be recognize the counseling department
Third Wednesday the 11th, we will recognize the support staff (Cafeteria, janitors, librarians, nurses)
Fourth Wednesday the 18th, we will recognize all of the teachers
Wednesday - October 21
My Drive Campaign
- Show this Steve Harvey video to get students to thinking about the importance of #2n2
- Show the Slide Presentation below to inform students of the LHS My Drive campaign
- Pay attention to the details LHS student can win an Apple Watch
- This ARTICLE shares cell phone apps to disable texting while driving. Click on the article to briefly review some of the available apps
- Pass out the paper license plates for students to decorate so that they can hang on a STUCO made wall display for the school campaign.
Wednesday - October 14
Follow Up of Davey Muise Presentation
- Handout crisis cards to each student. They are in your mailboxes.
- Call attention to info on side with crisis hotlines numbers, especially SPRIGEO.
- Review the helpful information on the flip-side of the card with ideas to help a friend in crisis and possible warning signs for depression and suicide.
- Davey Muise discussion - Use the following critical thinking questions to help foster an open, student-led discussion on the theme(s) discussed in yesterday’s presentation
- Handout crisis cards to each student. They are in your mailboxes.
- Call attention to info on side with crisis hotlines numbers, especially SPRIGEO.
- Review the helpful information on the flip-side of the card with ideas to help a friend in crisis and possible warning signs for depression and suicide.
- Davey Muise discussion - Use the following critical thinking questions to help foster an open, student-led discussion on the theme(s) discussed in yesterday’s presentation
- Optional: Print Shovel Coloring Page
- Inspirational Music by Rachel Platten "Stand By You"
3. Share this Google Slide Show about the Celebrate My Drive Campaign with your students.
Josten's Presentation Moved
Monday October 19th during Liberty Hour
When: October 19 during Liberty Hour
Who: Jostens & Senior Advisories
What: Cap & Gown Information
Where: Cokely Field House
Wednesday - October 7
District Gallup Poll - Student Required
Purpose: This survey will help us understand what students think about life in school, at home, and in the community. This survey is anonymous. Individual answers will not be shared with your school or district. Only grade and school information will be reported.
Advisory Competition Below
My name is Paige O'Leary, I am writing on behalf of Kaylee Black, Courtney Parker and myself. We are seniors at Liberty high school and we were selected to be apart of the NCAPS program.
I am reaching out to share the exciting project we are starting on Wednesday. Our group is working with the Ronald McDonald House of Charities and we have put together a competition between all advisories to collect pop tabs. We will be starting the collection on Wednesday 10/7 and end the collection on Wednesday 10/28. Each week we will be coming to collect and count the pop tabs that are gathered from each advisory. At the end of the month, we will announce a winner and will be having a donut party for that advisory. We hope to have everyone bring in pop tabs and help contribute to the Ronald McDonald House.
We appreciate all that you have done for us to help get this project started in all advisories, if you have any questions let me know.
Paige O'Leary
Northland CAPS Associate
Medicine and Healthcare
Northland CAPS Associate
Medicine and Healthcare
(If students are uncomfortable with this topic due to personal experiences or loss, they are welcome to come to the counseling office during the presentation. Counselors and social workers will also be available after the presentations.)
September 7, 2015 - Fire Drill & iOS
12:50 p.m.
Initiate iOS Update at the start of class and let the update run with lids UP during the fire drill:
iOS Directions:
1. Launch Self Service from the Dock or the Desktop.
2. Enter your credentials to logon.
3. Click on Install OS X Update on the main page. If you do not see the update as an option, then your machine is already up to date.
* Your Mac device will automatically reboot after the update completes. Do not shut the lid during this process until you see the log in screen.
Homecoming Week
LHS CLUB - POLL - Go to...
(share link with students)
Are you involved in an LHS club?
Grade Checks & Homecoming Fun
- Grade Check Protocol Today
- Then relay Homecoming information below
Grade Check Protocol Today
Then relay Homecoming Information & Cut Blue Squares according to message below..
Message from the Leadership Class,
Then relay Homecoming Information & Cut Blue Squares according to message below..
Message from the Leadership Class,
Please check your mailbox before Advisory on Wednesday. In there you will find blue paper.
You will receive a bag in advisory with blue paper squares. We ask you have each student to trace out their hand and cut it out from those squares. Once each kid has cut out their hand, place all the hands into the bag and we will come collect them from you.
You will receive a bag in advisory with blue paper squares. We ask you have each student to trace out their hand and cut it out from those squares. Once each kid has cut out their hand, place all the hands into the bag and we will come collect them from you.
Leadership students will be around to talk about Homecoming events. They are assigned to two classes so they may not be there in the beginning of Advisory, but should be there by the end.
NOTE: Freshman Advisories had their Link Leaders talk about this last week.
If you have any questions, let me (Marla) know. The Homecoming events are also in the newsletter Erin sent out last week.
- Homecoming Fence Contest Click HERE
- Next week on Wednesday from 3:30 to 7:30 we will be holding the Fence Decorating Contest for Homecoming. We would like to invite any club, class, advisory or team to participate in decorating a section of the fence.
Grade Checks & Fun
Wednesday, September 9
- Grade Checks
- Team Building Fun Choose from the Padlet Below
Wednesday Sept 2
First Senior Meeting DURING Advisory
First Senior Meeting DURING Advisory
Students will report to the meeting location based on their assigned counselor. Please announce these locations to the students on Thursday and Friday to prepare them for next week. Be sure to note the “varied assignments” as these are students who fall outside of the typical alphabet breakdown.
Last Names | Counselor | Location |
A-F | Mr. Casel | Cafeteria |
G-K | Ms. Wiederholt | Room 806 |
L-R | Mrs. Crawford | Little Theater |
S-Z | Ms. Alagna | Room 815 |
Varied Assignments | ||
All Students with IEPs | Mrs. Crawford | Little Theater |
All Career Center Students | Ms. Wiederholt | Room 806 |
All ELL Students | Ms. Wiederholt | Room 806 |
All Gifted Students | Ms. Alagna | Room 815 |
Second Week of Advisory Aug 24-28
Lesson: Team BuildingDiscuss with students the purpose of Advisory...if you choose show this link CLICK HERE
Then lead a team building lesson:
- Choose from Advisory Tab
- Lesson Idea:
- Circle up and share favorite summer moment and least favorite summer moment
Tuesday & Wednesday
Lesson: Digital Citizenship Lesson 3 & Lesson 4
Click HERE for Lessons 3 and 4
Reed Portrait will be here to take Advisory class pictures. The good news is...The photographers will come to your class during advisory!!!! However, this means 2 photographers are taking pics of ALL advisories in 35 minutes. We need your help in accomplishing this!!!
You will need to:
- Organize your advisory students for a group photo
- In your advisory classroom or in the hall near your classroom
- Help build community! Have fun! Be creative AND school appropriate!
- Be ready to go! A hall monitor will swing by to announce that your advisory class is up next for photos. Please be ready and in your places for the picture to take place quickly.
- *If your class is not ready there will not be a picture for your group...time is limited so you must be ready for the camera to snap as soon as photographer enters your room.
Liberty Hour Logistics (screencast below by Mrs. Gilmore & Mrs. Camp)
Here’s a link to the screencast going through Liberty Hour for this year
Here is a screencast to show Freshmen OR NEW STUDENTS how to login to view their LEH Calendar and tutoring assignments. Please show this screencast to Freshmen in Advisory on Friday after going through the 2015-2016 Liberty Hour information.
Again, the presentation is available here via a Google Slide presentation (choose the video or the slide show to present to students): :
The counselors will be holding the first Senior Meeting of the year during Advisory next Wednesday, September 2.
Students will report to the meeting location based on their assigned counselor. Please announce these locations to the students on Thursday and Friday to prepare them for next week. Be sure to note the “varied assignments” as these are students who fall outside of the typical alphabet breakdown.
Last Names | Counselor | Location |
A-F | Mr. Casel | Cafeteria |
G-K | Ms. Wiederholt | Room 806 |
L-R | Mrs. Crawford | Little Theater |
S-Z | Ms. Alagna | Room 815 |
Varied Assignments | ||
All Students with IEPs | Mrs. Crawford | Little Theater |
All Career Center Students | Ms. Wiederholt | Room 806 |
All ELL Students | Ms. Wiederholt | Room 806 |
All Gifted Students | Ms. Alagna | Room 815 |
First Week of School: Aug 18-21
Administrator led Handbook Talks
Group Locations (See Groupings to the right on this web page)
Create Connections & Build Relationships
Digital Citizenship lesson "Netiquette" (Recommended Teacher Preview Prior to Lesson)
Lesson Details CLICK HERE
Digital Citizenship lesson "Online Safety & Social Media" (Recommended Teacher Preview Prior to Lesson)
Lesson Details CLICK HERE
Administrator led Handbook Talks
- Take attendance and then walk your students to the locations indicated below
Group Locations (See Groupings to the right on this web page)
- Group A = Little Theater
- Group B = Cafeteria
Create Connections & Build Relationships
- Click on the Advisory Choice Tab for ideas
- Use your own team building activity
- Featured Idea:
- Wheel Connect:
- Project this "spin the wheel" CLICK HERE
- Tell students to get out cell phones if they have them!
- Divide students into 2 equal lines, parallel to and facing one another so that each student is paired with one another
- Spin the wheel, for 90 seconds students will discuss with their partner the topic the wheel lands on (BOTH students get to talk/share with one another for only 90 seconds total)
- After 90 seconds, have students in 1 line rotate to the right one person while the other line remains still
- Spin the wheel for a new topic (repeat this process until students end up with their original partner)
- Now Play!
Digital Citizenship lesson "Netiquette" (Recommended Teacher Preview Prior to Lesson)
Lesson Details CLICK HERE
Digital Citizenship lesson "Online Safety & Social Media" (Recommended Teacher Preview Prior to Lesson)
Lesson Details CLICK HERE
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