March 16, 2016

Message from Counseling Department

Our counselors and social workers would like to remind all students that spring time can be a stressful time of the year.  Remember if you or a friend is struggling to reach out to a counselor, teacher or social worker.  
Even if you're sworn to secrecy and you feel like you'll be betraying your friend if you tell, you should still get help. Share your concerns with an adult you trust as soon as possible.   The important thing is to notify a responsible adult. Although it may be tempting to try to help your friend on your own, it's always safest to get help.  You can always stop by the counseling office or use Sprigeo to report a concern.  The Sprigeo link is located on the front page of the LHS website.  You will also find additional resources on the LHS Counseling website under Personal Resources.  
LHS is in 2nd Place for the 

Graduate for Más Regional Prize 

  1. Advisory students will follow this link, click on “Make the Promise” icon to fill out the promise to graduate.
  2. Students that “Make the Promise” will automatically be enrolled in the program and receive access to a variety of content: College Knowledge, Future Focus, Life Skills, Make the Grade, Money Talks, and more.
  3. What’s next? Encourage the students to watch the videos, play the games, take the surveys, and attempt the challenges on their dashboard. There is no set number of activities they must complete, but the more they click on and complete, the higher we go on the leaderboards to possible win prizes and money. The following links will earn us more points.
    1. Get Fit
    2. Do You Speak a Foreign Language?
    3. You Learn What in College?
    4. Which Music Group Do you Rock Out To?
    5. What Shoes Define You?
    6. Would You Rather Be A Hero Or A Villain
    7. Good Habits Are Hard To Break
    8. Test Prep Classes
    9. Characters in Fiction
    10. Best Place To Get An After School Job
    11. How Much Do You Know About Bullying?
    12. They Have A Scholarship For That?
    13. Pop Quiz: Driver's License
    14. Pop Quiz: ACT
    15. Pop Quiz: ACT Math
    16. Pop Quiz: ACT Science
    17. Pop Quiz: ACT Reading
    18. Pop Quiz: Soccer
    19. Pop Quiz: Celebrities
    20. Pop Quiz: SpongeBob
    21. College Reality Check
    22. College Safety Concerns
    23. Building Your School
    24. Building Your School
    25. High School Survival Guide