Wednesday, November 18


Read the message about LHS SPARC and have students sign pledge forms as the following 1st video/song plays on the projector and speakers.

SPARC: Student Prevention & Resistance Coalition. The LHS SPARC Club encourages all LHS students to sign an ELECTRONIC pledge not to drink during the school year.  Students simply need to check their student email to sign the pledge.

Paris Attacks: Choose any or all of the following to share and discuss with students.  It may be too much to discuss in one Advisory.  So as long as you support the following learning objectives, you may go any direction you choose with your advisory.

The learning objectives are:

  1. to inform/discuss with students facts surrounding the Paris attack and other attacks that have received less attention, 
  2. to help break stereotypes of Muslims and Muslim countries and 
  3. to encourage LHS students to think of ways we can unite in solidarity.

A Look at Paris

  1. Show the following 10 m CNN Student News video that details the recent terrorists attacks in Paris, France. Does your advisory already know the details? You can skip this video if they choose and simply share aloud what they know.

A Look at Misunderstandings in Social Media

  1. Social Media & Misunderstanding: CLICK HERE to read with students about how social media caused confusions surrounding the event. (Teachers can simply talk with students about the information from the links below or allow time for students to access the links by sharing the advisory website with them)
    1. Did you know about the attack on the Kenya University in April 2015? #147notjustanumber
    2. Did you know about the suicide bombing in Beirut? CLICK HERE 

A Look at Understanding Muslims #notinmyname

  1. Muslims speak out against terrorism.  The following short video is to help break stereotypes about Muslims.  It is very important to remember that we all go to school and work with students and colleagues of the Muslim faith.  Terrorism has no religion.

A Look at Solidarity

  1. What is solidarity? Here is a look at how the world is uniting in solidarity. 
    1. How might LHS unite in solidarity? 
    2. Do you have ideas that can show our support or spread words of kindness to those suffering from the atrocities of war?

Attitude of Gratitude!
Third Wednesday the 11th, we will recognize the support staff (Cafeteria, janitors, librarians, nurses)
Fourth Wednesday the 18th, we will recognize all of the teachers